For further information, to report bugs or issues or to request features or improvements to the programs please fill in the required details on the contacts form below. Select the query type from the drop down list and include any relevant information in the Message box. A follow-up email will be sent as soon as possible afterwards.
If you are requesting an activation code then please include the Club name and if possible, a website address. Please indicate if you wish your clubs website to be included on the Links page. The Club name supplied will be used as the registered name for the activated program and will be displayed on the MagicLantern window.
The Activation code supplied will be for the current version of MagicLanter. If you require a code for an earlier version please add a note to that effect and the version of MagicLantern you require the code for in the comment section at the end of the contact form.
An Activation code is available free of charge to camera clubs or photographic societies etc, however if you wish to make a donation to assist in the future development and support of the program, then please contact the author. The activation code will be sent to the email address supplied as soon as possible after receipt of the request.
No email or other data will be passed to any third party for any reason whatsoever.