An overview of the functions and features of the programs are listed below.
The program files are available on the Downloads page.
The MagicLantern program allows projected digital image (PDI) competition projects to be created and presented by camera clubs. The competition Title, Subject, Date and Judge can be inserted.
Digital Image entries can be added manually or by importing a submission file created by the MLSlide program, which automatically adds the entry title, author and other data associated with the entry.
During the competition presentation the images can be Previewed, a Score applied or Held back for further consideration by the judge. When all the entries have been scored then the Placings (1st, 2nd etc) can be calculated. If there is a tied place then the judge is presented with the images to make a selection for the place.
All competition data, including the images is contained in a single file
Editing and Presentation are combine in a single program. 'Last minute' changes or additions can be made without running a separate program and re-saving files etc.
Digital Image and Print competition types are available
Panel competitions are available for the above competition types
Club and Interclub competition types are available
Scoring modes include 10 or 20 points maximum
Half-Marks available
Award-based mode where no points are awarded
A reference image can be inserted for Print entries to aid the projectionist during competition presentation
The entry list can be randomized in various patterns
Entries can be added manually or by importing a submission file created by the member
A custom title screen can be displayed at the start of a competition presentation
The images can be previewed with a consistent delay between images
A score can be applied to each image or the image can be held back by the judge
An Award can be assigned to an image. This could be from a global list or specific to a particular competition
Places are awarded according to the score given. Where two or more images have the same score they are presented to the judge for his or her final decision
Interclub competitions show the total scores achieved by each club
Competition results can be exported as PDF or CSV text files
and much more.....
MLSlide is a program to be used by club members (or other clubs for Interclub competitions) to create their competition submissions. The file is imported into MagicLantern and inserts the entry and author details directly into the competition. This program is available for Windows and Macintosh computers.
The data and images are contained in one file
Windows and Macintosh versions available
Competitions available from a list
A 'Custom' option is available for competitions not listed
The competition list can be updated within MagicLantern and the update file can be inserted into MLSlide
Digital Image and Print submissions can be created
Panel competition submissions can be created
Panel composite images (which contain the individual panel image) are created automatically as the entry images are added.
The Panel composite image can be replaced by an image created by the author
A reference image can be used in Print entries to replace the default Text only image